Elk Film is a production company based in Copenhagen. Dedicated to developing and producing documentary films, series and fictional adaptations for global audiences.
Elk’s team of producers and creatives specialize in high profile stories backed by elaborate research and finely crafted narratives. We actively help shape narratives and challenge filmmakers all the way from idea to final film. We combine a worldwide network of leading researchers, both journalistic and anthropological, with a lean experienced production infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment department, editing suites, production managers, financial department, and financing team.
Our aim is to bridge filmmaking talent with a global market and financing infrastructure. We are well positioned in the existing North European production structure, involving public film funds and broadcasters. We are also engaged in the intersection of the new developing equity and streamer market, bridging distribution and equity financing already from a development stage.
The company was founded in 2013 by CEO Andreas Dalsgaard and Editor Nicolás Nørgaard Staffolani.